Alchemist Nation Interview with Brian Olencki founder of, the newest FREE property management software system 100% cloud based. I ask Brian what Villa Rentals is. He says that Villa Rentals was the first iteration of the software He has been building which they changed to Leasily. He says with, they are currently helping motivated real estate investors to self manage their properties if they’re struggling a little bit to get started or looking to grow. They will help stabilize those investments and grow them into financial freedom faster.
To listen to Brian Olencki’s Alchemist Nation Podcast:#16 Alchemist Interview with Brian Olencki founder of
I further ask how He got interested in Real Estate investing before he could buy his first product and build his software. He says that He originally had done some research, read a bunch of books, and actually talked to his mum, only to find out that 10 years ago they went to buy a fixer-upper property with him at the time. He had no reflection of this at all and She seems interested in it and bringing the whole family on board. Unfortunately, it didn’t happen but She was able to share her knowledge with him, and then He drove into his first property at 21 years of age.
I also ask him what’s his take on the Covid-19 that fellow entrepreneurs can learn from in the next coming weeks. He says that they’re taking more of the business practices they have been using for the past few years with managing rentals and integrating them. He says that they are working together with their tenants so that they can find something that they can continue to run with them as well as trying to maintain their existing assets so that when the pandemic is over, they will be able to ramp back up.
Brian offers 3 pieces of advice to younger Brian who is looking to start out and be successful.
1) – Communication – Be clear and precise to tenants.
2) – Documentation – If you can write down a process, it means you can handle it over to someone else.
3) – Have fun while doing – You have to enjoy the process and if you don’t enjoy the process, the destination is not going to matter.
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