#60 – Alchemist Nation Real Estate Podcast With Keith Meals The Millionaire Contractor

In this interview with Keith Meals of contractorhiringsecret.com, we talk about how Keith got into real estate. Keith says that It started from him buying a book called Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and even went to attend the preview event of the book. After that, he invested in a real estate coaching program for his own benefit.

To listen to Keith Meals’ Alchemist Nation Real Estate Podcast: #60 Alchemist Nation Real Estate Podcast With Keith Meals The Millionaire Contractor

I further asked Keith why is he reading marketing books yet he is a real estate contractor. Keith answers that marketing is all about getting people in different ways and getting in front of them.

Keith talks about how he got from doing whatever it takes to niching down and targeting a market he would really enjoy. He loves the relationship side of things focusing on being relationship-driven than price-driven i.e it all about quality and customer service.

Keith explains how communication is key for whoever is interested in coaching. He states that it always starts with you and you’re 100% responsible for the communication and the results you get

At the end of the Interview, Keith gives his 3 pieces of advice he would give to his younger self or 18-year-old self
1) – Read.
2) – Take action on what you have read.
3 – You’ve got to show up all time even if you don’t feel like it.

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To get in touch with Keith, Email: info@ontimehomereminders.com

To listen to Keith Meals’ Alchemist Nation Real Estate Podcast on Anchor: #60 Alchemist Nation Real Estate Podcast With Keith Meals The Millionaire Contractor

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