#44 – Alchemist Nation Real Estate Podcast with Michelle Guinn – Author Of The Book Get In The Habit

In this interview with Michelle Guin the author of the book: Get in The Habit, we talk about what she’s up to after seeing her at the Maverick Success Mastermind. She says she has recently published her book called Get in The Habit. It’s a 30 day guided journal and she’s on a national speaking tour. She also said she is launching a new program called the Entrepreneurs Productivity Blueprint which is a 7-week program that will help entrepreneurs increase their productivity in areas of focus, goals, and what they want in their business.

To listen to Michelle Guinn’s Alchemist Nation Real Estate Podcast: #44 Michelle Guinn – Author Of The Book Get In The Habit

I ask Michelle what is the biggest sign that someone would need her program. She says that she hears a lot from her clients that their biggest issue is the focus their commitment to the things, they say they’re going to do and they never get them done. She also says lack of patience because they constantly beat themselves up for the things they promised that they’re going to do.

I further ask her what she makes of younger people getting into the game of real estate investing that aren’t taking action and need motivation. She says they need to identify what is it they want for their future and make that vision. Visualize your visions somewhere and look at them every day and with this, you’ll be able to move towards your goals.

Michelle says that she has invested in a lot of coaches, masterminds, and mentors because she isn’t crazy or has a lot of money but each one offers her something different. She further elaborates that if someone has invested in a coaching program, that person may need another coach to enable achieve another portion of his/her goals.

Michelle offers her 3 pieces of advice for the success of a younger 20-year-old version of herself.
1) – Never stop learning, continue expanding your mind.
2) – Look into what is it that you really want in life.
3) – Get out of your comfort zone.

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In order to get in touch with Michelle text Habits to 26786

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To listen to Michelle Guinn’s Alchemist Nation Real Estate Podcast on Anchor: #44 Michelle Guinn – Author Of The Book Get In The Habit

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