In this interview with Randall Pina Jr, we talk about The Power Of Hyper Focus. I ask Randall what kind of people want their houses painted. He replies that mainly direct homeowners and property managers.
To listen to Randall Pina Jr.’s Alchemist Nation Real Estate Podcast: #45 Randall Pina Jr. & The Power Of Hyper Focus
I further ask him what seems to be best working for him when it comes to starting a business in times of the pandemic. He says that you have to operate like an eagle because eagles don’t just fly but fly above the storm. So if you’re an entrepreneur, you have to know the magnitude of the storm so as to operate.
He says that the pandemic times are like 2008 credit crunch times where the tree is shaking and what seems as the fakes are falling off the tree. He says those that weren’t doing the real grinding are falling off the tree in these COVID19 times.
He says he’s approaching coaching from a different angle which is a paid angle where he gets to meet a lot of people and talk about deals hence negotiate deals. He also says that you may be an experienced person but there’s needs to be proof of paperwork [Profile or Portfolio] on what you’re good at as in pitch with the paperwork to people.
Randall gives 3 pieces of advice to get people moving during the COVID19 pandemic.
1) – Do at least one thing every day to that new business.
2) – Get hyper-focused into one block.
3) – Get hyper-focused on knowing yourself.
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To listen to Randall Pina Jr.’s Alchemist Nation Real Estate Podcast on Anchor : #45 Randall Pina Jr. & The Power Of Hyper Focus