#40 – Alchemist Nation Real Estate Podcast with Josh St Fort , a Wholesaler Turned Digital Marketer

In this interview with Josh St Fort a wholesaler turned a Digital Marketer, we talk about what he is working on right now. He says that he’s working on a skillset of lead generation, identifying the right audience, and social media marketing and ad platforms like the FB ads and Google Adwords and also leveraging different digital marketing software.

To listen to Josh St Fort’s Alchemist Nation Real Estate Podcast: #40 Josh St Fort Wholesaler Turned Digital Marketer

Josh talks about how everything is going to shift towards the education aspect because people want more content with even Facebook shifting towards it. He says that in the future a Facebook Page will an option to have a subscription button and also people will be able to pay for premium content access.

He also talks about how to generate leads for an event and webinar where you have to build a Funnel and people will go through it to create a relationship with them hence creating an identity for your Funnel and brand. He says with all this you can leverage your Funnel data especially people that visited and use the numbers in the Facebook Ads to get look like audiences for people that visited your Funnel or landing page.

Josh says he would love to teach other people what is learning in digital marketing and helping as many people as he can with regards to online marketing.

He concludes by saying your income is attached to the size of the problem you solve hence if you’re able to solve bigger problems then the better income.

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To listen to Josh St Fort’s Alchemist Nation Real Estate Podcast on Anchor: #40 Josh St Fort Wholesaler Turned Digital Marketer

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