#36 – Alchemist Nation Real Estate Podcast – Generator Coaching with Terry Wager

Real estate investing is a mind game so I started the conversation with a Mindset professional and a good friend of mine Terry Wager from Generator Coaching. I needed some advice and help from Terry Wager with regards to my 8 weeks Alchemist mentorship program. I explain to him that it is intensive, punch me in the face, we tell them to go and do their job which they actually do. It is now 2 weeks and they’re actually doing well though there is a chance that they’re going to drop off, reduce their activities because they essentially rely on the group. The accountability and the coaching sessions are important for them to move forward but as you [Terry] know that I have 100 millionaires to build by reaching 10,00 people. I further narrate to him that doing these group sessions kind of loses potency as more people in the group are individually handled by different coaches.

To listen to Terry Wager’s Alchemist Nation Podcast: #36 Alchemist Insights – Generator Coaching with Terry Wager

So I ask Terry how does what he does with Paul Finck work. He says that it works for Paul Finck since he is the owner of the program and to him, he does fulfil for Paul Finck and it is really a top out program which is basically working for a coach for him as a fulfilment. He says his filling a gap for him and it is not really feeding his dream or bank account the way he wants it to and that is why he is building his own program.

I suggested to him if he comes to my Saturday live webinar earlier so that they can with can brainstorm ideas with other coaches and still have them [coaches] on top as panelists while others are attendees. I may or may not call you by name though having your name and face makes people get more comfortable. Then after that, we get into some mentorship program on Monday nights which I would like him to part of.

Terry says that one thing he decided to in their coaching program that is different from other coaching programs they have been involved with, they have decided to have a laser-focused approach where they do a zoom call like this one and focus where someone is at, what is his/her stumbling block and they give him/her straight instructions how to move forward. They don’t take their accountability into consideration because it is not their responsibility to do that but what they do is to give them the right tools and strategies to get moving depending on which stage you’re at.

Besides coaching, I ask Terry what he took from Paul’s mastermind event where we were all at. He says that there are a lot of good things but what Paul reinforced was take the action to get the results and when you’re not liking the results change your actions. He says that one of the biggest problems he has had with some of his clients is that is people thinking they’re taking a different action yet they’re doing just a different version of the same action. So that where coaches come in handy in the way that they can see that you have been making the same action differently.

Terry offers 3 pieces of advice to 20 years old young Terry to get him super successful.
1) – Stop Drinking
2) – Get around people who’re doing business the way you’re doing it.
3) – Don’t quit

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To register for our Saturday live webinar to start your wealth journey, visit https://gualteramarelo.com/Live

To get in touch with Terry, email: info@generatorcoaching.com

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To listen to Terry Wager’s Alchemist Nation Podcast on Anchor:  #36 Alchemist Insights – Generator Coaching with Terry Wager

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