Millionaire Wealth Principle #38 – Sell Your Product Before You Buy Or Create It

Millionaire Wealth Principle #38

In this wealth principle #38, I talk about Selling Your Product Before You Buy or Create it. The 52 weeks of wealth is designed to teach you, train you, build you and expand you for your business where you can earn more each day by doubling down on your income. Most business are happy with the 10X increase though I have never been ever happy with that because it is not fast enough. 10% increase is only good if you want to work for 40 years, 10% increase in your dividends, in your retirement funds, I think that is for people who are very rich. If you’re starting off then 10% is really bad and I’m not saying that you shouldn’t go and put your cash in the stock market, go and build that wealth in some level but if you’re starting out with $10K in cash, you should probably put it back in the business. Before you go and start buying stocks, before you go and start buying real estate, you should be building a business, you should be improving what you make so that you can go and buy more real estate so that you can go buy more stocks to diversify.

How Does It Work Really?

You can sell something before you build it or create it and you can earn more money improved a product before you can go waste money buying or creating a product. Who knows as real estate investors we’re selling our services before we deliver. Did you know that this training we are taking right now wasn’t written down until this very moment? As we go through it about 20 minutes before it, I was building and writing this training. I believe you have experience in a certain area or something that you could sell before going and delivering the physical work. You’re going to write down your business product that you sell right now, write down the price point, write down what the product is, write how long you’re working for free and beneath it write the 3 most time intensive things that you do before you get paid, 3 most time intensive things you must do for your business before you close or get paid.

Motivated Sellers WANT To Pay You!

For motivated sellers if you can create something that they want. For me I designed a training course around how to maximize the sale of your property, how to sell your property fast, how to maximize the sale of your property, how to sell your property fast, how to get your money quickly, how to get cash out of your property. At that time I didn’t have the course built, but I had a fiverr person who went on to create some taglines, some memes, some videos and I said hey this is the training I’m doing, I know you’re selling your property and I sold my 12 own properties and I figured out a secret to sell them faster, I figured out how I can sell my single family home and get the maximum dollar amount in faster period of time. If it is something that it would interest you, then call me now so as to go through some weeks of training. It was less than a minute video that we did a while back, threw it on Facebook, Youtube and boom, hit it with a lot of attention.

The Book Of The Week!

Mike Schein and Terry Wager talks about the book of week: Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller. So the in-person sell of something that doesn’t exist yet is even easier by just showing a little bit of value but don’t be like Mitch Jaworski who gives you all the information. There is another level of Pre-sell where you can pre-sell your marketing, you can pre-sell the business that brings the business and the pre-sell of the business would be a little bit of training around your business where you could charge like $10 or $100 training to learn how to get the perfect on grass. When they learn how to get the perfect grass but they don’t do any of the work then they hire you because people are like that, once they realize that it is more than they can handle then they bring in a professional. If you’re really clever enough, write down the things you’ve seen me doing, things have said, take action on the things I’m doing right now and if you want do them better join the mentorship which costs only $1000 self investment.

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