Alchemist Nation Real Estate Podcast – How Cash Management & Real Estate Build Wealth With Jacob Belt.

In this interview with Jacob Belt, we talk about Jacob’s industry and what he has done to capitalize on the market. Jacob says that there are certain businesses that have been uniquely set up this way prior to this happening [Pandemic] and they have been online for years. He has been full-time working from home for 5 years so, that isn’t something new and the entire chain of how they distribute their products is done virtually. He says that they’re a financial services company that primarily focuses on helping people to become debt-free, tax-free, stress-free and they do that through insurance products.

To listen to Jacob Belt’s Alchemist Nation Podcast: #30 Alchemist Insights – How Cash Management & Real Estate Build Wealth With Jacob Belt.

Jacob says that they have a spending planner, a syllable excel file not a sophisticated sort of software system and it is one of the best things they give people to go through a spending planner. He normally tells people that water is like money therefore there’s need of having a track record. He further emphasises to keep 20% of your earnings in the emergency and emotional category and be disciplined with 80%.

Jacob talks about life insurance stating that it came into existence the day the declaration of independence of the United States was signed meaning that insurance has been there since independence. I agree with him since it is also talked about in one of the fundamental/foundational books I advise people to read called The Richest Man in Babylon and the author happens to be an insurance salesman at the time.

Jacob offers 3 pieces of advice to 20-year-old younger Jacob on how to be successful
1) – Save your money.
2) – Pay your bills on time. Make sure your credit is sterling.
3) – Invest in real estate.

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A Message from Jacob Belt:
Thank you. Just so you’re aware, We ALWAYS do the right thing for our clients and prospects. That includes referring them to others if the other fella has a better deal for them. Our agents are told that if we ever catch them PRODUCT pushing or selling just for the commission their FIRED!. One strike and you’re out!! One of the reasons we can do this is we have engaged with a huge company that has software called rate watch. It gives us the ability to input a client’s scenario and research EVERY US company for the best product for that person. It’s incredible. No individual can possibly know everything about the 1000 life companies and their products. The system does!! PS; The reason I just laid that out is to educate you, give you the confidence that referring us is safe. We ALWAYS DO THE RIGHT thing. I have that confidence in you brother!! Thanks again.

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