In this interview with James Simoes an entrepreneur from Fall River, MA, we talk about what he has been working on. He says that a lot has changed for him with regards to working though he is doing a little bit of traveling. Before James talking about what he has been to, he asks me if I have an archive of where all these videos go.
To listen to James Simoes’ Alchemist Nation Real Estate Podcast on Anchor: #62 Alchemist Nation Real Estate Podcast with James Simoes & Entrepreneurship In Fall River
I explain to James that I keep them on my mind map and from the mind map, I know where they will go. Actually, one video creates like 55 pieces of content and they’re spread across various social media channels. I further explain to him that the main big one in its unedited form first hits youtube, then crosses over for the podcast, then in a blog post form in WordPress. It is then copied to bigger pockets blog then shared over social media platforms like Facebook and Linkedin.
James commends me for the good work and being legit and also offers himself to help in any way because he has a tech background. He says that what is working on right now is to help people succeed and he is grateful for the partnership he has made recently that things are coming to fruition. He says that there are many different ways of doing it like through real estate, clean energy, alternative energy, and infrastructure improvements that connect the south to Boston.
He says that Fall River is a very nice place with a lot of rich history and he is going to continue to invest there which is just a matter of time. I tell James that there is a barrier entry that wasn’t there because when I started I was buying 3 families for 150K and now those 3 families are for 300K. This is one thing I talk with my partner Ron, that if we hadn’t gone into the real estate game much earlier then it would have been tight whereas if we can still buy these, is because we’re buying cash flow at this point. James always advises his friends and families on no cash down to be very wary about that and confer about that because cash flow is king. He says that those 300K houses will be 500K or 600K in the next 3 – 5 years.
I ask James what does he see as an opportunity for someone starting small and getting into digital marketing and some form of tech. He says that there is some big push in marketing and it is really hot like lead generation, creating real estate blog posts and content to rank up in google and sell those leads. He further says that it is going to be a big thing because you’re going to have contractors who just want to focus on what they do best like construction and flooring and that’s’ a hot market to get into and there are a lot of great resources in Fall River with. He says that it is technical and creative he likes it because to him is like his sweet spot. Another big opportunity that he sees in Fall River is Cannabis and tech.
I further ask James what is the next step for someone in Fall River to wakeup from sitting on their degrees or going to work for somebody else to go create their own businesses. He says that you should be aware of what’s going on, absorb as much as you can, and finally, it is all about hitting your head hard against the problem until it sinks in.
James offers 3 pieces of advice to someone who is willing to take it to the next level in these times of Covid-19
1) – The virus is in your mind – Elon Musk
2) – Read
3) – Network
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