Is Your Wholesaling Script Loosing You Deals?

Why Are We Talking About Scripts & Business Proposals?

Deciding the best messaging for your real estate wholesaling business can make or break your results! Many wholesalers start off in this business with the belief that buyers and sellers are going to be thinking the same way they are and can totally miss the mark when creating the right messaging.

?In this article I want to share with you an actual script one of my students sent to me to review and also the adjustments I made to improve their results. Please bare in mind that this is not an isolated incident and I have seen this happen hundreds of times in every part of the real estate investment industry.

The key point to keep in mind as you read these two examples is that the customer on the other end of this only has one thing on their mind, “why is this important to me?” or put another way, “how will this solve my problem?”

Let’s start with the original message that was sent to me.

Original Business proposal

Who we are ?

JPZ WHOLESALES  is a family-owned real estate wholesale company that specializes in finding amazing real estate deals through out various channels including buying directly from sellers, tax lien auctions, foreclosure auctions, bank-owned portfolios, and through relationships we’ve developed with private asset managers. We pass many of these deals on to experienced investors and those looking to buy their first investment property

Started in  2021 and have been growing ever since.

Commenced in Florida and a local office in Florida for its rich in real estate deals and opportunities for investment properties and soon enough into every state in the USA and worldwide globally available.

We are in the real estate sector

How we do it?

We sources are deals through many means mentioned above  through bank owned Portfolio to individuals sources and connections

It’s a proven process that has been done for more than a decade, with experience experts on our side and owners of multiple multinational properties we insure the best investment for our clients, we go in to the properties and give you the total repairs cost and ARV of the property insuring that you get the best investment for you buck, we have expert management from single families to multi-family houses getting the closest we can to the seller to insure the happiness of both the client and the investor and doing are best for  every interaction is 100 percent satisfied.

Here Are My Suggestions For A Better Result

ABC WHOLESALING specializes in finding amazing real estate deals!

How do we do it?

We give you the total repairs cost and ARV of the property insuring that you get the best investment for you buck, we have expert management from single families to multi-family houses getting the closest we can to the seller to insure the happiness of both the client and the investor and doing are best for every interaction is 100 percent satisfied.

Why it works?

We are buying directly from sellers, tax lien auctions, foreclosure auctions, bank-owned portfolios, and through relationships we’ve developed with private asset managers.

Send us a message with your buying criteria and start getting access to the right deals today!

Can You “FEEL” The Difference in the Messaging?

The major change really was removing the top paragraph about his company and shifting the focus to be more on the person who is thinking about working with him. In this case he is focusing on building his buyers list, so we wanted to speak to the main concerns of an investment buyer.

There are many ways to have a conversation and the above is by no means a perfect or set in stone process, but it does work. If you can keep in mind the Problem, Solution, Result strategy followed by a CTA or Call To Action you can drastically improve the conversations your are having and start hearing YES more often!

What does your sales message look like when communicating with a potential buyer for your buyers list?

The 100 Millionaires Summit Is Coming Up!

We’ve already sold out the general seating tickets and seats are being bought up fast for the VIP tickets!

If you are serious about scaling your real estate portfolio and want to discover what do to now that you have purchased and stabilized your first few properties. This is the event you have to be at!

We will be talking about scaling to 50 units, how to get that $10k in passive income monthly as well as how to find the right partners and the future of the real estate market!

Everything you need to scale your portfolio and prepare yourself to hit your goals all in an intensive 3 day event that will be filled with like minded people who might be looking to partner up with you on the next deal!

Register to reserve your seat today at:

There is plenty of room at the top! I will see you at the SUMMIT!

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