52 Millionaire Wealth Principles

There are 52 weeks in a year and trying to break down all of the wealth principles into smaller chunks like top 5 or 10 ten is like saying do you want a roof or a foundation. You need ALL of the components to make a house a good investment and the 52 wealth principles include the smaller lesser known principles as well as all of the “Heavy Hitters”.

As I have been revealing the principles slowly throughout the year we have had many of our students ask if there was a place you could go to see what all of the principles are. I have held off this long because I was concerned that if someone saw the title and it wasn’t catchy enough they might not show up for a very important lesson. On the other side I know myself and if I know there is a structured path to a training then I am more likely to implement every step of the way.

I have spent hours with my business partners and colleagues deciding on the importance of each principle and the order to present them in. The “52 Millionaire Wealth Principles” are presented below in the order we believe is most effective for taking them in throughout the year. The alternative name for this course is the “52 Weeks To Wealth” and makes the point that this is a year long training that is not meant to be rushed, but instead is a very serious commitment on the part of the student and future millionaire to incrementally grow at each step of the way and providing time to implement each lesson.

Here are the 52 Millionaire Wealth Principles:

  1. Think A Million – Millionaire Real Estate Investor By Gary Keller
  2. Choose A Business That Can Make $1,000,000 – Millionaire Booklet By Grant Cardone
  3. Understand The 4 Types Of Money: Income, Profit, Flow, Equity – E-Myth Real Estate Investor By Michael Gerber and Than Meryll
  4. Put All Your Eggs In One Basket And Guard That Basket – Millionaire Real Estate Investor – The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets Of America’s Wealthy
  5. Build A Business – Rich Dad, Poor Dad By Robert Kyosaki
  6. Your Business Must Solve A Problem – Star With Why By Simon Synek
  7. Who Has Your Money – If Your Not First, Your Last By Grant Cardone
  8. Don’t Save For A Rainy Day – The Simple Path To Wealth
  9. Track And Focus On Your Net-Worth – Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind
  10. Increase Your Income through Increments and Surges – The 12 Week Year
  11. Double Down On Your Marketing – Crush It By Gary Vaynerchuck
  12. Alleviate A Frustration Experienced By A Large Group Of People Who Are Willing To Pay Enough To Make It Worth Your Effort – E-Myth Revisited By Michael Gerber
  13. Build A Contagious Culture In Your Business & Marketing – Contagious
  14. Focus on the 80/20 Principle In Sales & Marketing -80/20 Sales And Marketing
  15. Leverage The Law Of Reciprocity – Go Giver
  16. Develop A Fixity Of Your Purpose – Think And Grow Rich By Napolean Hill
  17. Offer High-Ticket Items Or Deal In High Volume Sales Or Both – Principles By Ray Dalio
  18. Only Deliver The Highest Quality Product Or Services And From There Constantly Improve – Sell Or Be Sold By Grant Cardone
  19. Be A World-Class Expert In Your Business – Outliers
  20. Apply The 10X Rule To Your Planning – The 10X Rule By Grant Cardone
  21. Create The Definiteness Of Your Vision – Creative Visualization
  22. Seek Out Strategic Partnerships & Affiliates – Crushing It By Gary Vaynerchuck
  23. The Power Of Partnerships – Rocket Fuel
  24. You Will Fail, Don’t give Up In the Process – The Alchemist
  25. The Power Of Out Sourcing – A Whole New Mind
  26. Study The People & Businesses That Are Performing The Way You Want Your Business To Perform – Tribe Of Mentors
  27. Steadiness Of Your Faith – The Wealthy Gardener
  28. Learn To Love Dealing With Large Amounts Of Money And The People Who Have It – Am I Being Too Subtle – Seth Godin
  29. Own 100 Percent Of Your Results – Extreme Ownership
  30. Learn How To Attract The Right Mentors For Your Goals – The Thin Green Line
  31. When Setting Sales Goals, GO FOR NO – Go For No
  32. The Point Is Not to Work, It’s To Generate Income – Broke To A Quarter Million By Gualter Amarelo
  33. Start Your Business To Sell Your Business And Get Rich – Retire Young, Retire Rich By Robert Kyosaki
  34. Accept What Can’t Be Changed & Create An Advantage – Man’s Search For Meaning By Victor Frankyl
  35. Create An Awesome Team Around You – Traction
  36. Be Impeccable With Your Word – The 4 Agreements
  37. Depth Of Your Gratitude – The Science Of Getting Rich By Wallace D. Wattles
  38. Sell Your Product Before You Build Or Create It – Building A Story Brand
  39. How You Do Anything Is How You Do Everything – The Compound Effect
  40. Create Keystone Habits – The Power Of Habit
  41. Create An Environment That Will Force You To Grow – The Miracle Morning
  42. Give The Impression Of Increase & Advancement – You Are A Badass
  43. Understand The Power Of Demographics – The Laws Of Human Nature By Robert Green
  44. Systemitize Your Business So It Works Without You – 4 Hour Work Week
  45. Invest In Assets That Increase Time, Energy or Income Streams – Richest Man In Babylon
  46. Stay Broke – Simplify Your Life/Business – The Power Of Broke By Damon John
  47. The Law Of Hyper-Focus – The One Thing By Gary Keller
  48. Know Thy Self: The Power Of Personality Assessments – Awaken The Giant Within By Tony Robins
  49. Seek To Understand, Then To Be Understood – How To Win Friends And Influence People
  50. Never Give Up – Can’t Hurt Me
  51. Learn To Love Solving Problems For People And Getting Rich Doing It – Millionaire Mind
  52. Sharpen The Saw – 7 Principles Of Highly Effect People

To Register for the Live Webinar and jump into this weeks wealth principle along with the rest of the Alchemist Community Register At: www.GualterAmarelo.com/Live


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